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A well-structured website is critical for your business. However, simply having the site up and running is insufficient. Regularly updating and maintaining your site is critical to ensuring that it operates at peak efficiency. Websites, like cars, require maintenance to function properly. Proper website maintenance helps to ensure site security, increase the number of new visitors, increase return traffic, and more.

Why is Website Maintenance Important in Kenya?
CMS Websites necessitate routine maintenance.
Modern (Content Management Systems – CMS) websites are built on systems that must be serviced on a regular basis. These websites have components that need to be upgraded for security and repair (in the cases where components are worn out). Furthermore, some of these components become obsolete over time and must be replaced. When your website is not serviced (maintained) it may become less efficient and less effective and may go offline depending on the affected components.

Maintain a Professional Image
Your website is a public representation of your company’s image. A sloppy corporate image is projected by a poorly maintained website with numerous errors, broken links, dead pages, and outdated information, which can cause business to decline over time. Examine the look and feel of your website on a regular basis and update it to match your corporate image. Have a reputable business Check for and correct broken links, poor grammar, and spelling errors as soon as possible — ideally before a customer brings them to your attention.
enhanced security
The primary reason for the importance of website maintenance is security. If your company uses a Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress or Joomla, you should make sure that your site is up to date on software patches and security updates. Failure to do so allows hackers to infiltrate your site and plant malicious files. This will result in Google and other Search Engines flagging your website.

Increased Website Traffic
Search engines like Google give higher rankings to websites that are updated on a regular basis. This is done to provide the highest quality content to searchers. A higher ranking increases the visibility of your site, increasing the likelihood that your content will appear when your target audience searches for relevant keywords. Updating your site with useful information, repairing broken links, removing duplicate pages, and keeping your content up to date will help drive new and returning visitors.

Improved Visitor Experience
Updating your site with shareable content like upcoming events, image galleries, and blogs on a regular basis gives your audience an idea of who you are and what you do. Include actionable items such as a newsletter signup form and social media icons that link to your organization’s profile to engage your audience. A well-maintained website aids in the promotion of your brand, work, and mission.
Website maintenance is critical for all organizations, large and small. Maintaining your site on a regular basis will improve performance and provide a safe and secure environment for your visitors. You now understand Why Website Maintenance in Kenya. Contact us about website maintenance.

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