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How To Buy a Domain Name In Kenya?
To purchase a domain in Kenya, visit an accredited registrar such as Fbrand web hosting. Check the availability of the domain, then add it to the cart and proceed to enter the nameservers and pay. Your domain will be registered right away.
How Much Does it Cost ...
How To Create a Cpanel Demo Account In WHM
To create a new demo account, follow these steps:
Log in to WHM.Go to the Create a New Account interface in WHM (WHM » Home » Account Functions » Create a New Account).In the Domain text box, type a domain name.The Username text box will auto-populate, or you ...
cPanel & WHM Administrator (CWA) – Core Curriculum & cPanel & WHM Systems Administrator I (CWSA-1) – Core Curriculum
cPanel & WHM Administrator (CWA) - Core Curriculum & cPanel & WHM Systems Administrator I (CWSA-1) - Core Curriculum
Correct Answer of cpanel certification:-
Within which of the following WHM interfaces would you be able to add SPF and DKIM records to an account? WHM Home >> Account Functions ...
Windows Hosting and VPS Hosting
Key Differences between Windows Hosting and VPS Hosting
Before we start conflicting between windows hosting and VPS hosting, let’s first understand hosting. To be concise, hosting also referred to as web site hosting is the process of leasing space to house a website on a server which can ...