If you’re unfamiliar with domains, you might go the conventional method and register your domain through your web hosting company. By keeping your services under one roof, you can be losing out on a few things. Here are some reasons why you should never use the same company that manages your website to manage your domain name.

Possibility of Locking with the Present Web Host
If your domain name is connected to your web host, switching to another host may result in the loss of your domain name. This is due to a phenomenon known as registrar-locking, which has the ability to lock your domain name with your current web hosting company. This can occur if there are fewer than 60 days between the time you first use the service and the time you decide to switch. If your domain name is privately owned, you are free to direct it at any new web host you like, even after these 60 days have passed.
Additional TLD (Top-Level Domain) Choices
If you’re looking for a distinctive domain name based on a specific specialized market or location, web servers often only offer a small number of TLDs, which can leave you in the dust. Utilizing a dedicated domain provider, however, will often enable access to far more TLDs. For instance, Fbrand offers you more TLD to choose from.
Protect Your Domain Name
The threat of data breach is quite serious, and it is even possible for it to occur only by having access to your domain hosting services. You run the risk of making it simpler for hackers to access your website’s content if you choose a domain web hosting service without multi-step authentication. Furthermore, if your domain is parked with your web hosting company, should a hacker transfer your domain name to another location, you risk losing it. That could result in many wasted hours and dollars when you try to establish your domain name ownership. You can also easily lose your domain name if your web hosting service and domain name expire on the same date.
Consider the following scenario: You register your domain name with your web hosting company, but you either forget to renew the service or realize you don’t need the hosting anymore but aren’t sure which to use. If your web hosting company does not notify you that an update is required prior to renewal and you have an expired credit card on file, your name could also be simply set up for failure.
To avoid issues like domain name loss, your domain name should always be kept distinct from your web host. Keep your domain name registered elsewhere if you decide to switch site builders or web hosts to make sure your name won’t be locked with your present web host. However, by keeping these two tasks separate, you can avoid the drawbacks of choosing one service to host your website content and manage your domain name. Choose the best web hosting company to give you the best hosting services.